Thursday, January 28, 2010

Supernatural Friendship 101

Merci-Loops just mentioned last week that she has a hard time hearing God. "Does He really speak inside... or is that me... or Satan talking. "We had a long discussion about the subject. More to come as the seconds pass.

It is the ultimate training of the troops.

Dedicating ourselves to creating an environment where


...with GOD : hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, touching Him,

with OTHERS : loving, knowing, exploring, depending, strengthening together,

and with OURSELVES : accepting, befriending, embracing, envisioning, joyfully extending


Yesterday as we were getting out of the car to go into Hobby Lobby for some art supplies, Merci said...

"Mommy, my hands are burning on fire and Jesus told me to pray for your eyes."

We stopped EVERYTHING and Merci put her hands on my eyes and prayed healing over my eyesight. I kept my glasses off for a bit. Hasn't been restored yet, but I BELIEVE if He spoke it through her, He will do it. No, I don't understand why it didn't happen right then. I don't have to. I just keep believing, receiving. I'll be taking my glasses off at home today to see what happens. I love it that God speaks to my children.

The revelation of Jesus Christ to human hearts is as diverse and delicate a subject as I can imagine. The Goodness of God is so much more grandiose than we can grasp. The little fringes on the hem of His garment that I've been able to lay hold of have brought much supernatural wholeness to me...body, soul, and spirit.

There is Power in I AM that we all need...power that He is willing and ready to give. Jesus healed everyone that came to Him in faith.

It's not about our faith-quotient or how intensely we can believe. It's about trusting His Goodness towards us/for us and placing ourselves in a position to receive all that He's pouring out. There's so much.

We train our children (and ourselves) to welcome and receive whatever God is doing with gusto. If we are faithful with what He has given or is giving, we can be sure as we're reaching for the more of God that is ALWAYS before us, we will find it.

Ask God for it ALL. Why not? He paid for it.

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